Warrior Guides Temple Football

On November 16th the Warrior Guides program took a trip to the Lincoln Financial Field to cheer on the Temple Owls Football team. The pairs of students were bused to the stadium in South Philly where they started the afternoon tailgating the game in the stadium parking lot. They were treated to a delicacies lunch from Zac’s Burgers and enjoyed hanging out together playing some classic tail gaiting games and doing their best to stay warm – it was quite a chilly day.

After everyone was fulled up the group headed into the stadium to find their seats. Our students cheered the Temple Football team on to an eventful victory over Tulane with the final score 29-21 Temple. It was an awesome day spent together with lots of smiles and laughs all around. A special thank you goes out to Regal for sponsoring this event, we couldn’t have attended this event with out their generous support.

Special Thanks

  • Temple University Athletics Department
  • Zac’s Burgers
  • Krapf Buses
  • Green Street Grill

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