On Sunday April 23, Henderson seniors Pavani Samala and Iswarya Vel organized the 3rd Annual Hendy Tennis Clinic! 43 Chester children grades 2nd-5th were bused out to Henderson High School. Waiting for them were 20 high school tennis players who had volunteered to teach the children how to play tennis for the afternoon. The weather could not have been better, it was a beautiful spring day to learn some tennis! Pavani and Iswarya spent the last few months collecting used tennis equipment and ended up collecting enough that every child could go home with 2 rackets! The day was spent playing beginner tennis games and learning beginner drills, all lead by the high school players. In between drills, everyone broke for a snack and later a dinner of dominos and water ice! At the end of the day when everyone was tired from playing hard all afternoon, the Chester children were treated to a mini match up of 4 high school players, so they could see an example of a real tennis match! It was a wonderful event and everyone left with full stomachs and smiles on their faces! Thank you to USTA for helping to make the event possible!
Special Thanks:
Domino’s Pizza
Tom Curyto, TLC Polish Water Ice
Krapf Bus