Warrior Guides Team Building Day

On January 6th Warrior Guides opened up the new year with a brand new event – Team Building Day at Church Farm School (CFS). The group met at the school and were treated to a tasty buffet lunch in CFS cafeteria served by their lovely staff. Many children went up for seconds and thirds the food was that good! After everyone was all fueled up they trekked over to CFS gymnasium. There, over 25 CFS students were waiting with 12 different team building stations. The group split up into smaller groups and proceeded to rotate every 10 minutes through the stations. Each activity was lead by CFS students and had the Braves and Guides work on their team building and how to work together as a group or pair to achieve success. Over halfway through the school year and its great to see the different pairs already have such a bond and were able to work together so well! After each station the groups would debrief to go over and reflect what worked and didn’t work about their strategies.

After the activities everyone had a snack and then said their goodbyes as the Braves got back on the bus to head home to Chester. The Henderson Guides stayed afterwards to go over different skills and strategies to become a better mentor and to be the best Guide they possibly can for their Chester child. For a first time event we couldn’t have asked for a more gracious host in Church Farm School, they made the day go very smoothly. We also would like to thank our sponsor TerraCare for making the afternoon possible.

Special Thanks:

  • TerraCare
  • Church Farm School
  • Krapf Buses


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